

I use a librebooted Thinkpad X200 as my main PC. For my operating system I'm using Parabola with OpenRC and IT JUST WORKS. Anyway I might change to Guix if I ever decide to learn lisp 🤮 or OpenBSD even though there is some performance issue due to the additional security layers.


I used to mostly use suckless softwares but I got out of the dark side and started using better software. Currently I'm running River as my window manager, Foot as my terminal emulator and Waybar as my status bar. I use Neovim as my code editor. For my browser I use Ungoogled Chromium. I have a HUGE git repository for my wallpapers which you can find here. All my config can be found on GitHub with some details about more software I use, all the package I have and a full installer based on make.

screenshot X200